Everything You Need To Know Ahead Of World Mental Health Day!

What is World Mental Health Day? World Mental Health Day was first launched by the World Federation for Mental Health in 1992 as an annual event for the group.  During its first two years there was no specific theme for the day, instead, it aimed to promote mental healt...

What is World Mental Health Day? 

World Mental Health Day was first launched by the World Federation for Mental Health in 1992 as an annual event for the group.  During its first two years there was no specific theme for the day, instead, it aimed to promote mental health and educate the public on relevant issues. 

It has since evolved, aiming to raise awareness to the global community about the critical mental health agendas, providing a unified voice to take action and creating lasting changes through the messages they promote. 


When is World Mental Health Day? 

World Mental Health Day will take place this Saturday, 10th October on what will be the 28th year since its launch. 


What is the theme? 

Since its launch there have been a total of 25 different themes for the day, they have ranged from mental health at work to young people and mental health in a changing world. 

The theme for this year is “mental health for all”. The aim is to make quality mental health care available on a universal level, so that mental health care will be as important as primary health care in the future. 


Why is it important? 

There’s no hiding this has been an incredibly difficult year for everyone that’s been affected by Covid-19. In a study by Mind, they found that 60% of adults and 68% of young people all felt their mental health had got worse during lockdown. Furthermore, they found many people with previously no experience of mental health problems had seen their condition decline. 

It’s likely that the constant worrying, distress and loneliness that has become as common as the virus itself, has likely played a big part in the increase in mental health problems for people. 

It’s more important than ever that we take the time to get a better understanding of mental health and the challenges it brings to our society. By doing this we’ll have a better opportunity to learn how to support those who are struggling and how we can take care of our own mental wellbeing. 


How can you make a difference? 

There are a variety of ways you can get involved and show your support for mental health. One of the ways you can help is by making a donation to mental health organisations such as https://www.mind.org.uk/ or https://wfmh.global/

Another way you can support the cause is by wearing a green ribbon; this is the symbol of mental health awareness and helps get the message across to more and more people. 

If you feel like you would like to gain a better understanding of mental health, The AIM Group provide free online qualifications on subjects such as  Mental Health Awareness and Mental Health First Aid & Mental Health Advocacy In The Workplace.

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